Suzanne De Vita

​Suzanne De Vita is RISMedia's online news editor, compiling RISMedia's Daily e-News and Content Solutions newsletters, covering breaking news, housing market reports, industry topics and real estate trends.

Cruising along the winding roads of Old Greenwich and nearby Riverside, Conn., one senses the rows of homes, spaced on lots less than a half-acre, parallel...

This gives new meaning to the term “groundbreaking.” While the rest of us struggle to recycle junk mail, a select few are saving the planet by constructing...

Retirement goals have shifted for many since the recession, with one major asset hanging in the balance – housing. Though a burgeoning segment of boomers...

Whether you’ve got a litter of kids or baby’s on the way, childproofing your home is a preventative measure no family should go without. The Consumer...

It’s no secret that color is crucial when marketing a product. In fact, consumers come to a subconscious conclusion about a product within 90 seconds...

Unless you hire a crew for upkeep, your responsibilities as a homeowner likely include some form of landscape maintenance. Did you know that a large portion...

When it comes to success in real estate, there’s no better teacher than someone who’s lived it. In the March installment of RISMedia’s Agent Webinar...

For real estate professionals serving vacation areas, marketing a property is a lot...

Spring has nearly sprung, and the change of season means one thing for homeowners: maintenance. This year, introduce eco-friendliness to your spring maintenance...

Digital currencies continue to take hold in real estate – this time, across the Atlantic. RE/MAX London recently announced a trial program with payment...