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By Steve Willson Home builders usually place a handful of receptacles on the outside walls of any house. Unfortunately, they aren't always located in the...

By Megan Wild If you're switching jobs or plan to in the near future, you might want to know how that impacts your ability to buy a house. After all, purchasing...

As a broker, is your day-to-day at your desk instead of leading your team? Are you finding you have less room in your schedule? Difficulty handling incoming...

Valentine's Day is approaching. And while it's typically reserved for romantic, coupley outings, there's no reason why real estate agents can't show love...

By Hannah Whittenly Buyers want to know exactly what they're getting when purchasing a home. As it's a major investment, all potential homebuyers will...

A picture is worth a thousand words—or in the case of real estate, it might be worth a few hundred-thousand dollars, depending on the sale price of a...

By Christy Matte Smart home technology is all the rage lately, touted as anything from a fun set of individual gadgets to an integrated and connected...

By Yuka Kato Trends are an excellent way to predict things like homebuyer behavior over the coming months or years. Unlike a fad, which ends quickly, a...

From augmented reality to smart apartments, tech has had a major impact on the real estate industry in the past few years; however, as more and more aspects...

By Kaitlin Krull As a real estate professional, it’s imperative that you keep up with the latest housing trends. After all, the features that buyers...