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By Isaac Christiansen Digital technology is always being improved upon. As the tools of digital marketing are being upgraded, so are the ways that technology...

By Max DesMarais If you have an aging, oil-fired heating system and are dreading the day you’ll need to replace or service your heating system, you may...

By Ashley Morse Achieving the ideal indoor environment involves managing quite a few elements within the home. In addition to keeping you and your family...

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on August 16, 2017. Housecall continues to share this piece due to ongoing requests and reader interest. By...

By Mary Walton Real estate careers aren't built like others. You're working for yourself, your hours and wage can vary greatly, and the work can be very...

Bringing home a puppy is exciting because he becomes a new member of the family. But, raising one is hard work, so the whole family needs to pitch in and...

Choosing the right house for you and your family can be a very daunting process. One thing to note, however, is that the type, style and square footage...

By Nathan Garrett It is reported that every day there are two million new articles posted online. That's almost 1,400 new posts every single minute. As...

By Mary Walton Real estate is renowned for being one of the most competitive fields. As an agent, you’ll need to write a listing that makes the property...

By Cary Teller If you've decided to put up security cameras for your home for the first time or are considering widening your safety net, knowing the...