Maria Patterson

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Whether it’s a bad storm or a downed utility pole, power outages can strike at any time. While most only last for a couple of hours, a prolonged power...

A lot goes into the decision to buy, sell or remodel a home. After all, this is one of the most significant investments of your lifetime, so there are...

While I painfully preach advance planning and preparation to my sons, I was actually the kid in school who waited until the last minute to cram for tests...

We older folks are used to millennials running circles around us when it comes to technology, but when it comes to money matters, those youngsters are...

An outdoor kitchen. Double sinks in the master bath. A wrap-around porch.  Solar panels. There are just so many things we want our new home to have. However,...

That pesky social media. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on it—that you’re hip, you’re in the game—the tectonic plates shift a bit and...

I’ll admit it: I’m a planner. I prefer to be on time, prepared and as in control as possible in this otherwise out-of-control world. So it’s no surprise...

There are so many quotes about change, but this one from Ben Franklin is one of my favorites: “When you're finished changing, you're finished.” To...

“I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too; I’d say in a given week, I probably...

We’ve having a busy summer here at RISMedia as we (among other things) finalize plans for this September’s Real Estate CEO Exchange. This event is...