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Posted on Aug 19 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
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Thumb through any design magazine these days and you’ll find stunning images of kids’ bedrooms, expertly decorated by some Finnish designer you’ve never heard of. And while they’re beautiful to look at, most parents probably wouldn’t haul in a designer for a child’s bedroom. You’re familiar with the scenario: It’s a girl? Floral wallpaper it is! A...

Posted on Aug 18 2014 - 4:29am by Housecall
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One of the challenging aspects of being a designer is keeping up with new products, materials and services for the home. One crucial venue for checking out the latest and greatest goodies firsthand is the National Kitchen and Bath Association Conference in Las Vegas. Designer Barbara Murphy of the Neil Kelly Company was there and came away with these top five hot...

Posted on Jul 17 2014 - 3:01pm by Paige Tepping
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If you’re anything like me, your closets are overflowing with pictures and other framed goods that would undoubtedly look much better hung in a prominent location than hardly ever seeing the light of day. While a quick call to dad will most likely save you the headaches and frustrations associated with hammering more holes in the wall, hanging pictures is a great...

Ah summer, the season of grilling, dipping in crisp blue pools, and selling homes. If you want the latter to seem as enjoyable as the first two, then you may want to take another look at your staging process. Staged homes sell 78 percent faster than non-staged homes, so it's important to do your due diligence if you want to find that baby a buyer. The following...

No matter whether your clients are storing their belongings for a few months or a few years, they’ll want to ensure their stuff is stashed in a clean, well-run, secure self storage facility. More than 50,000 self storage facilities are scattered across the country. No two facilities are exactly alike. For instance, some storage facilities have interior walk-up...