By Jon Snyder According to market and consumer data provider Statista, the global home automation market will reach a value of more than $40 billion by 2020. The U.S. ranks first in terms of adoption rate, followed closely by Japan and Germany. With the easy availability of connected gadgets, not only can you control your home's thermostat from your smartphone, but...
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As a real estate agent, you likely work with any number of different types of clients. From first-time buyers, to renters to luxury homebuyers to empty-nesters looking to downsize, there is no shortage of client services you’ve likely had to provide. In our latest survey, we’re interested in learning more about agents’ experience working with short- and extended-term...
Looking for the next cat cafe? Or perhaps a new pop-up bar that is an exact replica of your favorite TV show's lounge spot? In recent years, gentrification has become synonymous with a hipster invasion—the increase in housing prices and the addition of trendy storefronts as a location becomes the new "it" place. And where are you most likely to find these locations?...
By Hannah Whittenly Selling your home can be one of the most stressful times of your life; however, there's no need to worry with the help of this guide! Here are four of the best value-raising tactics for selling your home: Ordinary Updates There are plenty of simple updates you can do to your home before selling it that can help raise its value. These kinds of updates...
Assorted expenses factor into homeownership. Beyond the monthly mortgage payment, homeowners are on the hook for maintenance, insurance and property taxes—and, in some cases, fees for the HOA or other services. For many, the major obligation is property taxes. According to recently released research by WalletHub, the expense is highest in New Jersey, Connecticut,...
How many times have you as a broker, agent or consumer opened an email that just didn't seem right? It happens all the time, and, yet, occasionally they seem real enough that you don't think twice about downloading a file or emailing back. Here's the trouble: Email scammers are getting smarter with their phishing schemes and it's becoming increasingly harder to tell...
All the locations on Livability's recent list of the Best Places to Live in the U.S. have one thing in common: that indescribable quality you find when you cross small-town charm with the amenities of a big city. At the heart of each of the locations that made the top 10—from Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan., to Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore.—is...
Long gone are the days of door knocking to find new business. While brokers provide myriad advantages when it comes to marketing, agents need to be internet savvy and have a proactive social strategy in order to acquire new clients. And how can this be done? Easy—put yourself in the shoes of a consumer. Where are they going to find real estate services? First and...
By Brandon Stanley If you want to sell your property, you better be ready to dedicate a lot of time to one of the biggest decisions of your life. This is especially important if you're making the first deal of this kind, because first-time home sellers often make similar mistakes. You need to prepare well for the entire process to avoid losing a substantial amount...
By Megan Wild If you're switching jobs or plan to in the near future, you might want to know how that impacts your ability to buy a house. After all, purchasing a home is a lengthy, stressful process once you tally up the time for mortgage approval and pounding the payment to find a home. If you're in the middle of considering a job change, your company has transferred...