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Looking for a new home can be a pretty exciting task. With that much money on the line, it's worthwhile to read up on the process before you set out. Unnecessary mistakes can and should be avoided while trying to get the best deal for your money. As a first-time homebuyer, proper guidance from seasoned professionals can make all the difference. Here are a few tips...

Posted on Aug 16 2014 - 4:29am by John Voket
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Summer is still alive and kicking, and for most regions of the country that means plenty more of hours poolside lounging. So I will revisit the often discussed subject of safety - specifically, preventing household tragedies involving children and pools. Kids Health - a project of The Nemours Foundation - provides a comprehensive punchlist to help maintain a kid-safe...

Living in an apartment community certainly has its perks (i.e., not having to fix things when they break), but one thing I truly miss is having a backyard that I can enjoy—whenever and however I want to. While a quick look out the window may be enough to send you over the edge—Does the grass need cutting? Do the weeds need pulling? Have the flowers all wilted?...

Posted on Aug 9 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
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Pools are make-or-break features for homebuyers – they’re either at the top of dream home wish lists or a deterrent for buyers who shudder at the thought of another maintenance project. Even if the buyer doesn’t necessarily want a pool, there is a way to persuade them otherwise, and that’s through staging. They key is to create a space that's an extension...

Posted on Aug 8 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
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Today’s post is the last in my green living series, designed to appeal to everyone on the spectrum of our planet’s well-wishers: preservationists, conservationists, and activists. This final blog aims to give activists, or eco-superheroes, ideas for ramping up their green agendas. If you’re passionate about the environment and want a complete green overhaul,...

The passing of a loved one is both devastating and trying. It presents the time to mourn and celebrate the person's life, to gather with family and friends, and to organize any assets that have been left behind. A significant factor of this involves the home, where the real estate of a deceased individual gets passed on to an heir. However, in addition to the property...

Homeowners should know that protecting their home from potential thieves and other criminals can be done with enough preparation and planning ahead of time. Putting enough measures in place to properly protect their home from potential criminals is not only a way to add an additional layer of safety and security to their property, but it is also a way for them to...

Safe pet remodeling may not be something you think about before the start of a new remodeling project, but if your dog gets out or your cat runs away–it can add a whole lot of stress to the job. “You’d be surprised at how a curious animal can squeeze through the tiniest gap in the floor or the wall,” explains Tanya Roberts, Behavior Manager at The Oregon Humane...

Can you imagine this listing? TURTLE LAKE, WISCONSIN: Charming summer home with three bedrooms, one bathroom, fishing/boating dock, screened porch, and pink and yellow striped aluminum siding. Convenient, close-to-town location. Must-see. Pink and yellow striped siding? Had this homeowner never heard of curb appeal? Staging? Resale value? He most certainly had, but...

Posted on Jul 24 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
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Today’s post is the second in a three-part series on green living, designed to appeal to everyone on the spectrum of our planet’s well-wishers: preservationists, conservationists, and activists. This blog will focus on being a conservationist, those who have green wish lists that fall somewhere in the middle – they want to save on bills where they can, and can...