Social media is a dominating force in business today. It seems that almost every tech-savvy mobile user can be found Liking, Retweeting, and Sharing their way through the many different social media websites that have sprung up in recent years. While the big three - Facebook, Twitter and YouTube - do garner the most traffic, there are plenty of other social media...

This post was contributed by Terri Engels A large emphasis on upping the value and desirability for a rental property falls under the category of home improvement. The home improvements that pay off include new bathrooms, kitchens, elaborate sound systems, wine cellars and other various bells and whistles. There is no denying that these types of upgrades will certainly...

Posted on Apr 2 2015 - 2:04pm by Nick Caruso
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Regardless of the ever-changing market, there is one kind of buyer who is always on the prowl for new toys and the latest and greatest status symbols; one who is ready to go with copious cash in hand and a hunger to expand his or her portfolio. When it comes to real estate, these buyers are in a league of their own. Welcome to the world of celebrity real estate!...

Posted on Apr 1 2015 - 9:30am by Maria Patterson
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For the past decade, we’ve largely been a victim of circumstance, whether it was riding the crest of the boom years or scrambling for firm footing during the housing crash. As we move further into 2015, however, a clear distinction is emerging—Power Brokers are taking back control. The results of RISMedia’s 2015 Power Broker Survey reveal the kind of steady...

Creating your own local community pages is a great way to differentiate yourself as a real estate agent. While it can take a little work to compile something that is informative and useful, community pages that cover the areas you work in offer a number of advantages. When you want to stand out to potential clients, every little bit helps. Advantages of Real Estate...

It’s no secret that color is crucial when marketing a product. In fact, consumers come to a subconscious conclusion about a product within 90 seconds of viewing, and much of that judgment (62-90 percent) is based solely on color, according to the Institute for Color Research. Retailers apply these findings every day (think red sale signs) to encourage consumers...

Posted on Mar 24 2015 - 2:29pm by Suzanne De Vita
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Unless you hire a crew for upkeep, your responsibilities as a homeowner likely include some form of landscape maintenance. Did you know that a large portion of household water usage goes directly to maintaining a landscape? Enter the xeriscape. Xeriscapes require just a fraction of the water you’d generally use to keep your landscape lush. A University of Georgia...

This post was contributed by Tyler Zey. Real estate landing pages are crucial to any online strategy today.  These pages are dramatically different than typical website pages in that their sole purpose is to get contact information out of visitors.  Unlike blog pages and IDX listings, these pages give a value proposition and then ask the visitor for their contact...

Fret not, gentle readers: summer is right around the corner. Sure, spring will peek its head out first, but let’s keep our eye on the prize here. If you are one of the lucky few homeowners to own a shed, you have just become part of a super elite ninja-style group of owners. A secret society, if you will. And if you don’t currently own a shed, you might change...

When it comes to success in real estate, there’s no better teacher than someone who’s lived it. In the March installment of RISMedia’s Agent Webinar Series, “The Secrets of Systematized Success,” attendees learned just how powerful number-based systems can be from two of the industry’s most profitable professionals. With experience backed by respectively...