Do you know how much of a down payment is necessary to purchase a home? Many folks have misconceptions about a down payment. With incorrect information, the buying process can quickly become an expensive experience. The down payment is a substantial part of this expense, but how much money do you need to pay? Many people will tell you that a 20 percent figure should...
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By Lizzie Weakley Pest problems can be especially burdensome when trying to sell a home. If you're ready to put your house on the market, but are experiencing a setback because of pest damage, there are things that you can do to resolve the issue so that you'll be able to list your home with greater peace of mind. Related: 4 Signs That Pests Are Wrecking Your Roof Here...
By Brooke Chaplan If you own a home, you need to have adequate homeowners insurance coverage. Nearly all mortgage lenders require it as part of the conditions for issuing a home loan anyway. However, as time goes on, you may find that you want to make certain changes to your homeowners insurance to create a better plan. Here are four ways in which to improve your...
By Meghan Belnap Real estate agents who are starting out in the business of helping clients buy and sell property can do certain things to gain an advantage in the field. By implementing the right strategies, these professionals can increase their chances of enjoying greater longevity in their careers. Here are four tips that can help get agents started in their...
How has your marketing plan shifted since the start of the current pandemic? If you regularly invest in Facebook ads for your business, you've likely altered your plan in the face of COVID-19. According to online marketing tech company Evocalize, there have been drastic changes to the way real estate professionals utilize Facebook ads in the past few months. Between...
By Meghan Belnap If you're hoping to find your dream home, why not consider a luxury home? While some homebuyers shy away from luxury homes due to their cost, you may find that your dream home and a luxury property are one and the same. Here are four features that make a luxury home that much more valuable: Quality Amenities Luxury amenities are high on the list...
By Brooke Chaplan When you're ready to upgrade your home for added curb appeal before listing it, or if you just want to refresh your property image, don't forget the windows and siding. These important elements help to frame the appearance of your home to attract interest and admiration. Siding Having your home resided is one of the most significant improvements...
By Brentnie Daggett This year, spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning as the world works hard to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Cleaning and disinfecting our homes is more important than ever in order to create a safe environment for our families to live, work and play in. Also, as many of us are sheltering at home, there may be a bit more time to dig into...
By Meghan Belnap It's the dream of many investors to finally break into the house flipping market. They read a book or two by those already flipping homes (investors writing about living the life of a flipper), and on the surface, it all sounds like something anyone could do. Related: 5 House Flipping Expenses to Plan For The excitement created by understanding a...
By Catherine Cortez Do you love hosting family and friends whenever you have the chance? Is your home cramped and unideal for throwing parties? If your answers are "yes" and "yes," then 2020 may be the perfect year for you to tackle a remodeling project. With the current crisis we're in, this could be an excellent way for you to set a goal and stay focused on the...