Being a REALTOR® often means you're on the go. From meeting with clients to showing listings, the car can feel like the second office – and many treat it as such. We checked in with several top agents to find out what they keep in their car, and the results were surprising. From tools to good luck charms, agents are rolling around with car kits that can handle...

Posted on Mar 17 2015 - 9:46am by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on Best Neighborhoods for a St. Paddy’s Day Pub Crawl

Grab your gold, put on your green, hope for luck and head to one of these ZIP codes to find a pub. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, RealtyTrac® partnered with enterprise data and analytics company Acxiom® to uncover ZIP codes throughout the United States where a pub is just a leap away.   If you are heading out to a pub this St. Paddy’s day, RealtyTrac...

Posted on Mar 16 2015 - 4:20pm by Suzanne De Vita
Comments Off on The Secrets to Selling a Second Home

For real estate professionals serving vacation areas, marketing a property is a lot like telling a story: the story of the home, the story of the surroundings, the story of the community. Successfully selling a vacation property is contingent upon a number of factors – but because second homes...

Spring has nearly sprung, and the change of season means one thing for homeowners: maintenance. This year, introduce eco-friendliness to your spring maintenance routine. Many of the green fixes below require just one or two more steps in projects likely already on the docket. 1. Aerated Interior There’s no better sign that spring has arrived than opening your...

Posted on Mar 12 2015 - 11:59am by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on 8 Ways to Locate a Stellar Agent from Egypt Sherrod

For buyers (and sellers!) looking to enter the real estate market, locating the right agent to find their dream home may be a daunting task. Buyers want to find someone with an expertise in their desired area, who will communicate efficiently and have a strong knack for negotiation. With these factors and so many more to consider, finding the right agent is truly...

Posted on Mar 11 2015 - 4:17pm by Housecall
Comments Off on 6 Low-Cost Steps to an Organized Kitchen

Keeping your kitchen organized is essential to cooking and a good room aesthetic. If your kitchen is disorganized, you’re likely scrambling to find what you need when you cook. That’s never good, and it’s completely unnecessary, too. There are various quick, low-cost ways to organize your kitchen and make it suitable to your needs. Here are some ideas to consider: #1...

Posted on Mar 10 2015 - 4:56pm by Suzanne De Vita
Comments Off on Will Bitcoin Buyers Break into the Housing Market?

Digital currencies continue to take hold in real estate – this time, across the Atlantic. RE/MAX London recently announced a trial program with payment platform GoCoin that will support digital currency payments on property rentals throughout the country. “RE/MAX just topped representation in over 95 countries; this represents over one third of the world, hence...

Posted on Mar 6 2015 - 9:00am by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on Sold! A Majestic Waterfront Paradise in Connecticut

The Long Island Sound is home to some of the Northeast’s most dazzling waterfront property. In fact, Sasco Point, located in the New York City suburb of Fairfield, Conn., is recognized as one of the most notable waterfront estates in the United States. Taking a look at the photos (more below), it’s easy to see why this particular property is so appealing: it...

A washer and a dryer are two of the most important appliances in a home. They work hard keeping up with the piles of laundry generated by most families, yet they are sometimes taken for granted when it comes to taking time to care for them. A few easy maintenance and operational tips can help these appliances perform more efficiently and substantially extend their...

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on March 2, 2015. Housecall continues to share this piece due to ongoing requests and reader interest. This post was contributed by Terri Engels If you own real estate and decide to lease it out to someone else, then congratulations: you are now a landlord in the eyes of the law. Whether you lease out a single family...