Posted on Dec 22 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
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Each December, HGTV takes audiences at home on a jolly jaunt through the White House. The hour-long special, which aired on Dec. 14, showcases a behind-the-scenes look at the production of the home’s holiday décor. And it’s just as merrily mind-blowing as you’d expect. Tasked with decorating 132 rooms spanning six floors, over 100 volunteer decorators and...

Posted on Dec 18 2014 - 4:19pm by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on Webinar Video: ‘Finish the Year Strong, Start the New Year Even Stronger’

As many Power Brokers know, closing the fourth quarter strong is vital in order to prepare for a strong start to the New Year. In a recent webinar entitled “Finish the Year Strong, Start the New Year Even Stronger,” hosted by RISMedia and sponsored by Bank of America Home Loans, some of the industry’s leading brokers weighed in on how they’re keeping their...

The New Year compels all of us to relinquish the past and change our circumstances for the better. Hoping to literally wipe the slate clean? Look no further than your household. How many times have you vowed to keep things organized, only to discover that by mid-January, the clutter culprits are back in full force? To quote Obi-Wan: Nothing kills New Year’s motivation...

Posted on Dec 12 2014 - 1:31pm by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on 9 Household Uses for Beer

Having just survived another fantastic office holiday party, it may be a little too soon for this blogger to consider drinking more beer. Lucky for me, there are plenty of household uses for those wounded soldiers abandoned at the bar. After your next gathering, leave no man behind and put that leftover brew to good use! This infographic from Chadwicks serves up some...

Posted on Dec 10 2014 - 2:24pm by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on Follow Us on Twitter and Enter to Win Some Extra Holiday Cash

Have you checked out Housecall's official Twitter page yet? Follow @HousecallBlog and retweet the pinned tweet on the top of the page, and you'll be automatically entered to win a $25 Visa Gift Card! The holidays are here and who doesn't need a little extra shopping money? The winner will be chosen randomly. Contest runs through Tuesday, Dec. 16. The winner will be...

Posted on Dec 10 2014 - 4:29am by Suzanne De Vita
Comments Off on Personalizing Your Pad? Forget These Fancy Features

If you could have any amenity at home, what would it be? A 10-car showroom? A mile-long moat? How about a zip line course crisscrossing the backyard? (Okay, that last one’s just me.) While homeownership is a dream realized for most, it’s no surprise that the desire for wish fulfillment remains long after closing. Castle-in-the-sky features may seem like a priority,...

Posted on Dec 9 2014 - 4:29am by Nick Caruso
Comments Off on Marc Anthony Needs To Know: Do You Want His House?

Did you know that Marc Anthony is one of the top selling tropical salsa artists of all time? I don’t know what that has to do with him selling his Encino, Calif. home, but I just thought you should know. Unrelated: I also now have his fiery hit single, “I Need to Know” stuck in my head. You know the one I'm talking about...not that one. That was Enrique Iglesias!...

A new home is one of the biggest purchases homeowners will make in their lifetimes. Regrettably, sometimes costly mistakes are made by various parties of the transaction - builders, remodeling contractors, or even the new homeowners, themselves. Knowing a few of the common mistakes homeowners make can prevent future snafus from happening and save you lots of time,...

Posted on Dec 6 2014 - 4:29am by Housecall
Comments Off on Transforming a Bathroom on a Tight Budget

                    So your bathroom is boring, right? If it’s not in the cards right now to remodel, does something still need to be changed? You can’t live another day brushing your teeth at the same old sink, looking at the yellow walls (that were a cute idea for about 10 minutes), or showering with that...

Georgia Green is one pastry chef who has an eye for the finer things in life. Teaming up with VeryFirstTo, a site that launches luxury products and overuses the word "prestigious," Green has adorned her masterpiece with South Sea pearls and a five carat Mozambique ruby, all set within icing. The price: $77,910. (Yep. You read that right!) In addition to all those...