Nick Caruso

Nick Caruso is RISMedia’s Senior Editor and caffeine junkie. When he’s not writing about the amenities (and absurdities) of celebrity real estate, he’s obsessing over “Survivor,” scrounging to find new music, skiing, and writing on his own entertainment blog. It is his firm belief that bacon and hot sauce make everything better.

  It’s not the first time that an entire American town has gone on the auction block, but it might be the most unusual. Sugar Grove Station, W.Va....

REALTOR®. Lawyer. Superwoman. Patricia Houlihan, a Coldwell Banker agent from Vancouver, Canada, just redefined real estate marketing. In a recent poster...

All photos by "Piano Man" Billy Joel just turned 67 and is still performing every month at his favorite house, New York City’s...

Twitter is making a small change that is bound to have a huge impact. In the coming weeks, the service will stop counting pictures and links in its 140...

All photos courtesy of We can't get enough of Prince here on Housecall, (#SorryNotSorry) but this Great Space is certainly one...

On April 21, the world lost one of the most iconic musicians we had left: Prince. The flamboyant, genre-bending musician passed away at his own estate...

Spring has sprung, which means it’s the perfect time to clean the inside and outside of your home to get it in top shape before the summer months. A...

For brokers and agents at the top of their game, attracting prospects and making sales can lead to great success, but keeping the best clients coming back...

Cornelia Parker, #psychobarn #metroof A photo posted by Becky Schear (@beckyschear) on Apr 18, 2016 at 12:06pm PDT
In the summer, the roof...

Big changes are coming for Instagram users and the news alone has sent ripples throughout the world of social media. Acquired by Facebook in April of 2012,...