When it comes to a home's square footage, Americans seem to have a Goldilocks mindset: too big, too small, jussstttt right. At least, this is the consensus from a recent Trulia/Harris Poll study. The study, which surveyed over 2,000 American homeowners, found that most folks want a different sized home than the one they’re in now. However, they don't necessarily...
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As rising rents sweep the country, the channel between the cost of owning and the cost of renting continues to slim. According to the latest Florida Atlantic University national index, today’s active rental prices make for a great time to purchase a home. “We are not where we were in 2012, when nearly any purchase was a sound financial decision,” said Ken...
Whether it’s your first house or your fourth, you’ve likely heard the phrase “location, location, location.” A recent Smart Asset study procured information on the very best city to sell a home based on five factors. They looked at the change in median home value, the percent of homes in the area sold at a loss, the average number days a home sits on the...
As a real estate agent, you have a lot on your plate. So when a bill arrives in the mail alerting you that your real estate license is in jeopardy, it may seem like a plausible occurrence. At least, that’s the idea behind a recent scam targeting REALTORS® and real estate licensees in Florida. The fictitious (but plausible sounding) “Florida Board of REALTORS”...
Wondering what states have the best capitals to roost in? Wonder no more! A recent Wallethub infographic ranks the best capitals to call home, based on aspects ranging from “cost of living” to “K–12 school-system quality” to “number of attractions.” Where are the highest and lowest crime rates? What is the city with the lowest debt to income ratio? Read...
Back when the Spaniards still ran around trying to indoctrinate the Americas, Mission District was first baptized as Misión San Francisco de Asís. The date was 1776, and Father Francisco Palou had just surprised the unsuspecting Yelamu tribe. All the population work done by these Ohlone people for over two thousand years had dropped to 50 people by 1841. Cause...
Housecall's having a Hollywood moment! Voting is now open for RISMedia's 3rd Annual Academy Awards of Real Estate, which awards the Oscar for Best Real Estate Client to one of this year's Academy Award nominees—selected by you, members of the real estate industry. To vote, simply: Like Housecall on Facebook. Comment on this Facebook post with your vote for the...
©Netflix A lot of things can go wrong when showing clients around a property. The nerves can get the best of you, especially when your boss has already told you’ll be fired if you lose this listing. That being said, never in a million years would you expect to puke your guts out—literally—in front of your clients. And while I wish I could say this hasn’t...
Here's a lesson about what not to do on social media. There are so many pros to connecting on the web: social media expands your reach, helps you build your sphere of influence, and ultimately, helps you strengthen relationships that are necessary to fuel your business. Unfortunately, the free exchange we value so much on the internet and social media has also encouraged...
Can a groundhog and his shadow predict the strength of the housing market? Here is what happened the past 20 years in real estate when Punxsutawney Phil climbed out of his hole; does seeing his shadow extend to real estate? You decide. Shadow of a Doubt: Groundhog Day and Real Estate Year Shadow Home Sales Increase Home Price Increase Year Shadow Home...