How Process Automation Can Actually Improve Employee Engagement

Posted on Mar 8 2022 - 3:19pm by Paige Brown, Managing Editor
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By Kyla Stewart

Employees play a crucial role in any business venture. Without the hard work provided by our employees, our company would decline and die swiftly. But recent studies have shown that more than 85% of employees aren’t engaged at work, and that has led to the economic consequence of losing over $7 trillion in lost productivity. 

It’s understandable why this is the case: many workers spend most of their time on repetitive and menial tasks which make employees easily bored and exhausted. 

So, how do you solve this problem of employee engagement, or lack thereof? One of the best solutions is using robotic process automation (RPA). 

RPA is currently taking countless industries by storm. There’s robotic process automation in BPO, e-commerce, banking, insurance and many more. Why are all these industries investing in RPA? Here are the most common reasons why. 

RPA Frees Up Valuable Time 
For one, RPA helps with reducing employee burnout from menial tasks. 

RPA is a technology that specializes in creating robots that emulate human actions interacting with software and digital systems. RPA aims to streamline workflows by automating specific tasks, such as moving files, extracting and inserting data, completing routine analyses and reports, and more. 

When you use RPA in your company, your employees no longer have to dedicate so much of their time to menial tasks. Instead, they now have more valuable time that they can use to focus on other important things. 

When employees have more time to do critical tasks, they can really put their skills to use, reach their fullest potential and shine. 

RPA Helps Employees Improve on Their Jobs
Aside from reducing the employees’ workload and giving them more time to do the crucial parts of their job, RPA also encourages them to become better workers. The more that workers focus on the complex tasks they have to do, the more they improve their skills. 

Suppose you’re an HR manager. If your company doesn’t use RPA, a bulk of your work includes repetitive tasks, such as sending emails and performance evaluation forms to employees. But once RPA is integrated, you can now concentrate on dealing with employee concerns, organizing training, and improving employee management. 

In other words, you become better at being an HR manager, and that’s all thanks to RPA.

RPA Helps Employees Learn From Each Other
In addition to helping employees grow individually, RPA can also motivate people to communicate and collaborate more with each other. Companies tend to divide their employees into several departments, and people only interact with those within their own department. 

But with RPA, employees from different departments have the chance to work together. The more they’re in contact with each other, the more they learn more about how the business operates on all levels. 

Helping employees engage with each other will lead to better collaborations that move your company forward. 

Since RPA robots can imitate certain human actions they can replace human labor when it comes to menial tasks that involve digital systems and software. 

RPA automation is such a boon for companies because now employees don’t have to be stuck completing repetitive tasks every day and risking burnout. Instead, they can now focus on the important parts of their job, continue improving, learn new skills and better collaborate with their co-workers

Long story short, process automation improves employee engagement, which is excellent since employee engagement is essential to your company’s growth. 

For that reason, consider making use of RPA for your business. And once you have this technology, start planning what tasks you should automate for your employees. 

Kyla is a former content writer, who decided to start her own blogging site and become a digital nomad. She managed to create a platform where all her previous clients are gathered - so they can merge and learn from each other! Her main motto is “sharing is caring” and her goal is to see the world from different perspectives!