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Owning your own home is an important and some would say essential part of the American dream. However, once you've invested the time and hard work to save up enough to be able to finally afford your dream home, you might find that you are faced with a lot of difficult choices about the real estate where you could potentially spend the rest of your life. One of the...

Posted on Sep 9 2016 - 10:15am by Housecall
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By Brooke M. French When divorce turns a person’s life upside down, one of the biggest challenges is housing – specifically, finding a new place to live, and deciding whether to buy and how much to spend. During that tumultuous time, real estate professionals can play a key role in guiding clients to sound decisions. 1. Determine whether the buyer is ready After...

Female single mortgage borrowers default less on their loans than male single borrowers, despite having weaker credit, a recently released report by the Urban Institute reveals. The results of the report’s analysis show the percentage of female single borrowers who are 90 or more days delinquent is lower than that of male single borrowers—evidence that lesser...

Posted on Sep 7 2016 - 9:30am by Housecall
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A growing shortage of lots for new homes will push up home prices in many U.S. markets. That’s the word from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), which says the availability of new-home lots is at a historic low. In the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index survey for May, 64 percent of home builders reported the supply of new-home lots in their areas...

New state laws relating to real estate have taken effect over the summer, many of which could impact homeowners, homebuyers and sellers in certain states. One such law, enacted in California, equalizes the rules governing escrow services performed by real estate brokers, independent escrow companies and underwritten title companies (UTCs). The law, sponsored by the...

Posted on Sep 1 2016 - 1:45pm by Suzanne De Vita
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Call it a bump in the refinance road. Homeowners renting rooms through home-sharing platforms have encountered difficulty obtaining refinancing TWEET, subjected to higher interest rates and limited loan offerings, The Wall Street Journal reports. The issue lies with hosts who rent rooms for a considerable...

If you are a real estate agent who has a blog and are not using Pinterest as part of your social media marketing strategy then you are missing the boat! If you ask most real estate bloggers who have adapted Pinterest as one of their social networks, more than likely you'll hear rave reviews of just how good the traffic can be. One of the unique things about Pinterest...

Every facet of the business world has been radically changed by the way data is collected, analyzed and transmitted. So much so, that past models of how major industries were run have now become largely obsolete. Data analysis is considered the “gold standard” by which companies look at the future. To some people, this approach seems cold or overly “corporate.”...

“I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too; I’d say in a given week, I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual, work.” Let’s be honest. Many of us can relate to Peter Gibbons description of his job in the 1999 classic “Office Space.” From vexing printers to coveted staplers,...

The homeownership experiences of our Facebook friends can impact our home-buying and -selling decisions. So according to jointly-conducted research from Facebook, Harvard University and New York University, which indicates our Facebook friends influence our perceptions of homeownership. Facebook users with friends who own homes in areas where prices have appreciated...