Few brokers have bested the challenge of motivating agents to adopt technology—and with a revolving door of new tools, overcoming that challenge appears...
Judie Crockett is proud to admit that she’s addicted to Facebook. While she used to feel embarrassed about her self-professed love for the popular social...
For today’s real estate pros, business comes from a wide variety of places, off- and online. For those not maximizing leads from the Web, a lot of prospective...
It’s safe to say that in 2015, if agents aren’t utilizing technology to the fullest, including social media, they are leaving money on the table, according...
Coined by Verl Workman, moderator of RISMedia’s recent webinar “Yes, You Can List 100 Homes a Year!” and founder and CEO of Workman Success Systems,...
Let’s face it. In real estate, whoever gets the most listings wins. This fact was driven home in the latest installment in RISMedia’s popular monthly...
As many Power Brokers know, closing the fourth quarter strong is vital in order to prepare for a strong start to the New Year. In a recent webinar entitled...