By Liz Dominguez Is your crippling student loan debt keeping you from becoming a homeowner? According to an article titled The Case for Student Loan Forgiveness, student loan debt is one of the highest debt categories in the U.S., coming in second to only mortgage debt. Add up the debt from the 44+ million borrowers in the U.S. and it comes out to a whopping $1.44...
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Ever wondered who is living the good life, and where? A new study done by MONEY with the help of® runs down the top 100 best places to live in the U.S. But how does one quantify "best," a term that feels quite subjective? The study's methodology focuses on towns with a population of 10,000 to 100,000, to avoid the big cities and spotlight smaller suburbs...
Ever wonder how much bacon you need to bring in to live comfortably in some of our country's largest metros? recently revealed the salaries needed to live in a median-priced home in 50 of the hottest areas of the US, and the numbers may surprise you. While the national average of median home prices cost $255,600, requiring a salary of just over $56,000, the...
By Andrew Dennis When the film-makers of yesteryear contemplated the future, it didn’t look like a very happy place—and not much has changed. You don’t need to look much further than the dystopian dramas that Hollywood is so fond of producing. But while sci-fi movies rarely predicted the nature of society, they did happen to predict a few items of futuristic...
Call it a household name. A new analysis from Zillow finds a home owned by a person named Alison or Stuart is likely to be worth roughly two-thirds more than the typical home in the U.S.—for both of them, that equates to over $332,000. The link varies based on location, with some names suited more to one region than others given sociocultural influences. Ali and...
Miley Cyrus’ new single “Malibu” has both her fans and haters in a tizzy. It seems the Disney turned country turned pop turned hip-hop star has set aside her booty-shaking ways and returned to her roots. Literally (her roots are showing in the Malibu music video) and figuratively; the star has dropped her wilder image and vocal stylings and returned to a demure,...
As a certifiable bilingual who has spent years trying to become trilingual, I can vouch for the veracity of total immersion being the best language teacher. The one surefire way to pick up a language is to discard your training wheels (your mother tongue) as soon as you start. The human brain picks up all languages the same: like babies do. It’s not a matter of...
Say goodbye to the idea of a “forever home.” No, I’m not talking about taking home a rescue pup. Instead, I’m referring to the antiquated idea of buying that dream house and living there forever. A recent community survey from Taylor Morrison showed that over half (56 percent) of homeowners no longer believe in the forever home. To get these results, Taylor...
Who knew that creamy, verdant avocados could make or break one's future in real estate. According to Australian developer Tim Gurner, (who is 35 and worth half a billion dollars, nbd) millennials are poor and unable to buy homes because of their infatuation with the single-seeded berry (yes, it's technically a fruit—The More You Know!) On a recent episode of Australia's...
Looking to become a homeowner? Pre-approved for a 300k mortgage? A recent study broke down exactly how much home you could snag for 300 thousand big bones. This is especially helpful if you’re willing to move to find that dream home or get more for your money. If family or job security has you stuck in a pricey place, the study results may be...