Still working from home? Many continue to be unable or unwilling to return to their office and the pandemic has made it clear that most Americans can competently execute their jobs from home. And, according to Zillow, many want to continue working from home after we return to a "new normal," which opens up the possibility of an exodus from major metropolitan areas. According...
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By Meghan Belnap A luxury home might make you think there's little need to advertise or do the same things you do with a starter home. However, the opposite is true. It's imperative that listing agents use a larger budget and give more attention to these homes; otherwise, the sale may not happen. Here's how to market luxury homes for better sales: Use the Right Jargon Did...
Calls for justice against racism and police brutality have manifested in the form of protests all around the U.S. after George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis, lost his life after a white police officer kept his knee on Floyd's neck for over eight minutes during an attempted arrest. Nationwide, U.S. residents have responded by taking the message to the streets...
Many things have changed during these incredibly trying times in our country, but one thing that hasn't wavered is homebuyers' love of their pets. According to a recent® survey, nearly 95 percent of pet-owning respondents said that their furry companion plays a role in selecting a home. Related: Anatomy of Home-Buying Pet Owners More than 2,000 buyers...
Are restaurants starting to reopen in your area? Can you go to the beach? Are travel restrictions being lifted? For much of the country, the answer to all three of these questions is "yes." However, state by state, the number of restrictions placed on residents can vary wildly as President Donald Trump has left the process of reopening states largely to their governors. At...
Hashtags are still as important as ever! As more and more millennials become homeowners, there is one app that they're taking to in droves to share their new home designs using different hashtags: Instagram. Currently, there are 91.4 million #interiordesign posts on the app. When young homeowners redesign spaces inside their residence and share the finished product...
Credit: Halstead During the current pandemic, real estate professionals have been hit particularly hard as being able to conduct in-person showings and open houses is integral to the selling process. Agents have gotten creative in order to continue their business—many have closed homes through a completely virtual process. Related: How Newsmakers Are Navigating...
During these trying times, the most important thing you can do is stay healthy. That doesn’t mean simply isolating yourself and avoiding the coronavirus, but staying mentally fit and physically healthy, in a general sense, as well. Being cooped up inside for days on end is not conducive to either of these points, and it’s why folks that live outside metropolitan...
With the current restrictions in place, such as social distancing, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many businesses are adapting to new tactics for creating and maintaining clients. For real estate agents, lead generation is a top priority. Agents across the country, whether or not stay-at-home orders are in place, will need a new strategy for operating their business...
For 32 years, RISMedia has published the Power Broker Report, our annual brokerage list ranking the Top 1,000 U.S. residential real estate firms, coupled with exclusive insights and observations. Each January, when we begin producing the report, we ask Power Brokers—the best brokers in the country—to share their take, from the good and not-so-good, to their...