Mood rings change color as our finger temperature fluctuates—this house changes color with the tap of a finger .
Behold the Mood Ring House, a rainbow spectacle outfitted with LED lamps that reflect the owner’s disposition at night. The single-family home, located in Fayetteville, Ark., was conceived by SILO AR+D as an “exploration of how architecture can have different day and night presences with distinct experiential and spatial qualities.”
ArchDaily reports:
“At night, illuminated soffits construct volumes out of projecting colored light from concealed energy efficient LED fixtures. Colors are derived from the temperament of the house and directly by the owners’ desire.”
Economical at $80 per square foot, the T-shaped house was designed to minimize costs and environmental impact, with work space assigned to the compact ground floor and living spaces spread across the second level. The house derives natural light from a north-facing shed roof, and boasts southern and western views of the surrounding forest and mountains.
The Mood Ring House is not the only color-changer on the block—neighbors are purported to have installed colored LED fixtures on their homes when construction of the house ended. (That’ll make an appraiser’s task much easier.)
The house also calls to mind another multicolored home in California, painted with a mica-laced shade that shifts with the sun.
Would you wear your emotion on your house? Something tells us the mood ring movement has only just begun.
Awesome post – John Cirignani
I’m sorry, but I just don’t see this catching on nor do I see an appraiser adding or subtracting value because of this “feature”. It is often hard enough to get them to add value for high end counters and appliances. I’ve yet to have an appraiser ask if LED lights were in use.
Colored lights can be interesting though, especially if having a party or for use in holiday decorations or making a social statement, such as RED Friday (Remember Everyone Deployed) or blue for supporting law enforcement.